Detailed description
Press release
International meetings

According to recent IPCC reports, the most critical phenomena affecting Central European regions are heat, drought, flooding, and biodiversity loss. Despite the abundance of environmental, water, and meteorological data (including open data) available from public institutions and innovative sources like earth observation, these resources are not being fully utilized to develop reliable climate change impact plans. To maximize the potential of this data and support regional authorities in climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, standardized classification criteria and trans-border standards are essential. Additionally, the data should be presented in an easy-to-use, multilingual format with a harmonized layout.

To address these needs, Climate_CRICES partners collaborate to establish a common strategy, identify key investigation topics, and set criteria for data usage. Their goal is to implement a data-driven dashboard that enhances resilience to climate change effects and boosts knowledge and management capabilities for future projections.

Climate_CRICES aims to increase public authorities' capacity to manage projected climate change effects, particularly those highlighted by the IPCC for Central Europe: heat and drought and flooding, and biodiversity impacts.

During the project, the data dashboard will analyse data from partners' platforms and integrate innovative data sources. A dedicated landing page will provide a trans-border perspective and forecasts. Regional authorities in the participating pilot regions will gain knowledge and skills to manage climate adaptation plans through capacity-building activities and data exploitation.

Climate_CRICES will offer a template for climate adaptation management across Central Europe through extensive communication and cooperation activities.

The Climate_CRICES dashboard will analyse and visualize environmental and climate impact data, providing more accurate climate change projections for regional rural and urban development plans. It is expected that regional authorities will enhance their knowledge and ability to manage climate adaptation plans through capacity-building activities and effective data use.

CDDA is responsible for communication during the project implementation in accordance with the Interreg Central Europe guidance. Furthermore, CDDA will implement three pilot actions in Hungary:

  • PA1 addresses heat and drought effects on viticulture, integrating climate adaptation technologies into the Central Danube Priority Area Operational Programme.
  • PA2 tackles water scarcity and flooding by developing municipal water retention solutions in Central Danube Priority Area, remodeling sewerage networks to refill groundwater, and examining water management solutions.
  • PA3 focuses on the impact of climate change on biodiversity, including forecasts and assessments of water quality and quantity, to enhance agricultural water use while considering environmental aspects.


Lead Partner:
Italia (IT)
ARPAV - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of Veneto

Project Partners:

  • Italia (IT)
    Consortium for the Information System

  • Österreich (AT)
    Research Burgenland GmbH

  • Magyarország (HU)
    Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

  • Hrvatska (HR)
    North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency

  • Deutschland (DE)
    Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development

  • Polska (PL)
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

  • Česko (CZ)
    Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem


24-25 SEPTEMBER 2024

The Climate_CRICES project, funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme (ICE), held a successful launch meeting on September 24-25, 2024, at the historic venues of Palazzo Grandi Stazioni and Palazzo Balbi. The meeting brought together key stakeholders, including project partners, regional ministries, and environmental management experts, to initiate the project’s ambitious agenda aimed at tackling climate change in Central Europe.

The two-day event marked a significant milestone in the Climate_CRICES project, which seeks to enhance climate resilience in Central Europe through collaborative efforts and innovative strategies.

Day 1 Highlights:

The first day opened with welcome addresses from key project representatives, followed by detailed presentations outlining the project’s core work packages. These presentations emphasized the importance of managing the impacts of climate change in the region and provided a framework for the project's future actions.

Workshops held throughout the day focused on critical elements such as the development of the project dashboard, analysis of local policies related to climate change, and the integration of data collection initiatives. The day's proceedings ended with a networking session, allowing participants to exchange ideas and insights, followed by a cultural tour of Venice, reinforcing the city’s unique role in climate adaptation efforts.

Day 2 Focus:

The second day featured discussions on ongoing initiatives and provided a platform for participants to address financial management, risk mitigation strategies, and the next steps for the project. Presentations from various stakeholders offered valuable insights into regional challenges and solutions, setting a collaborative tone for the road ahead. The meeting concluded with a visit to Palazzo Balbi, symbolizing the shared commitment to strengthening climate resilience across the region.

Looking Ahead:

The Climate_CRICES project aims to foster partnerships and develop practical solutions to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts across Central Europe. By integrating regional expertise, environmental data, and innovative policy approaches, the project will contribute to more sustainable, climate-resilient communities.

The kick off meeting in Venice has laid a strong foundation for our collaborative efforts to tackle the urgent challenges posed by climate change.

Project partners are thrilled to embark on this journey and look forward to driving positive change across the region.

The next project meeting will take place in January 2025 in Dresden.


Click on the link to download:
Press release 24-25/09/2024


Project Launched to Enhance Climate Resilience in Central Europe

According to recent IPCC reports, Central Europe faces critical challenges from heat, drought, flooding, and biodiversity loss. Despite extensive environmental data, these resources are underutilised in climate impact planning. Climate_CRICES seeks to leverage this data by establishing standardised classification criteria, trans-border standards, and presenting data in a user-friendly, multilingual format.

The primary goal is to implement a data-driven dashboard to enhance climate resilience and improve management capabilities for future projections. This initiative aims to increase public authorities' capacity to manage projected climate change effects, including heat, drought, flooding, and biodiversity impacts.

The data dashboard will analyse data from partners' platforms and integrate innovative sources, providing a trans-border perspective and forecasts. Regional authorities will gain skills to manage climate adaptation plans through capacity-building activities.

Climate_CRICES will serve as a template for climate adaptation management across Central Europe, offering accurate climate change projections for regional development plans and enhancing authorities' ability to manage climate adaptation through effective data use.
The Climate_CRICES project officially started on 1 June 2024 and it was launched with an online kick-off meeting on 17 June 2024.

The online meeting commenced with a welcome and introduction by Veneto Region (LP). The CE project manager in charge for Climate_CRICES introduced the programme and the project implementation. Partners introduced themselves briefly how they relate to the project and what the main points will be along which activities will be carried out. Veneto Region presented the Climate_CRICES project and the monitoring plan. CDDA followed with a communication presentation. IOER discussed WP1 entitled ‘Defining the added value of harmonised and visualised data for climate change effects 'projections’ and the initial steps for project implementation. Veneto Region then covered financial and administrative issues, and concluded the meeting.

Partners will meet in Venice at the end of September 2024 for an in-person kick-off meeting organised by the lead partner, further solidifying the project's foundation.

For more information, please follow the project on the official Interreg Central Europe website and LinkedIn page:

Stay tuned for further updates as Climate_CRICES works towards a more resilient future for Central Europe.

Click on the link to download:
Press release 11/07/2024

The first international meeting - Venice (24-25 September 2024)

The Climate_CRICES project kick-off meeting, supported by the Interreg Central Europe programme, was organised by the lead partner and took place in Venice over the last two days.

The aim of Climate_CRICES is to support public institutions in Central Europe in their efforts to respond to the (in most cases negative) impacts of climate change at the highest possible level. The project focuses on key phenomena identified by the IPCC, such as heat, drought and impacts on biodiversity. To this end, it will use environmental, water, meteorological and land monitoring data to enhance the thematic knowledge of regional authorities and support efforts to mitigate climate change and develop climate adaptation plans.

The partners from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Italy and Poland aim to increase resilience to climate change in both rural and urban areas through a variety of analyses and projections, including reliable cross-border climate data, standardised classification criteria and multilingual, user-friendly presentations and summaries.

The project aims to support regional authorities with proposals for climate adaptation plans over a 30-month period. It will also serve as a model for Central Europe through comprehensive communication and cooperation measures/tools.
The project is implemented in three work packages within which different activities have been identified.

KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. is responsible for the overall communication tasks of the Climate_CRICES project.

The next meeting will take place in Dresden in January 2025.

Inez Fekete, International and Top-Priority Project Manager, represented KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd.

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Contact Person

Fekete Inez, International and Top-Priority Project Manager


7020 Dunaföldvár, Kossuth Lajos u. 2.
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