Detailed description
International meetings

DanubeConnects – "The Danube connects" - sustainable economy sustainable connections from the Highlands to the Central Danube

The project aims to strengthen sustainable economic relations along the Danube, on both sides of the Slovak and Hungarian borders, and to integrate the Central Danube Region into the external market and the economic powerhouse of the capital.

Aid amount: 13 215,00 EUR

Start date of the small project: 01.06.2024.

End of implementation of the small project: 31.11.2024.

Contact details of the body:

Project consortium:

  • Lead Partner: South-Muntenia Regional Development Agency (Romania)
  • CDDA - Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
  • SBA - Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia)
  • PI REDEA - Public Institution for the Development of the Međimurje County REDEA (Croatia)
  • RERA - Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia (Czechia)
  • ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)
  • CCIS - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia)
  • RARS - Development Аgency of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • ATS – Advanced Technology Systems (Romania)
  • UM – University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Associated Strategic Partners:

  • Civil Impact Nonprofit (Hungary)
  • The regional association to the national network of Local Action Groups in the South Bohemian Region (Czechia)
  • Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
  • Dambovita Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Romania)
  • Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Hungary)
  • Kemence Association (Hungary)
  • Social Impact Investors Associations (Hungary)
  • Association of Communes of Romania (Romania)

Biowind Newsletter II. - March 2024

Click on the link to download:     Newsletter_2

The second stakeholder meeting – 13 February 2024

On 13 February 2024, the second stakeholder meeting of the BIOWIND - "Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning" project took place at the Jankovich Hotel, Rácalmás.

 The participants of the expert workshop were welcomed by Andrea Grónay, Managing Director of KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. Then Inez Fekete, International and Priority Project Manager of KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. presented the BIOWIND project and the results achieved so far, including the experiences gained at the interregional workshop in Ireland.

Afterwards, Dr. habil. Béla Munkácsy, Associate Professor at the Department of Environment and Landscape Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, gave an overview of the current situation of wind energy in Hungary and the sustainable use of renewable energy sources. Finally, he presented the RENewLand project.

At the end of the meeting, a round table discussion was held with the participants of the meeting, where they reviewed

🔹 the current state of play (in view of the changes) of the rules on the development of renewable energy and wind energy,

🔹 the situation of wind turbines currently in operation in Hungary,

🔹 views on the domestic use of renewable energies, energy storage options,

🔹 the current situation of energy communities, with particular reference to the Central Danube Region, and

🔹 the potential for the combined use of solar and wind energy.

Contact Person

Mimi Eszter Kocsis, International Project Manager

7020 Dunaföldvár, Kossuth Lajos u. 2.
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