Priority Region

Central Danube Priority Area

The Central Danube region encompassing 99 municipalities defined by the National Assembly in 2020 is the newest priority development area in Hungary. The declaration of the Central Danube as a priority area has become possible in accordance with the supplementation of the Parliament Resolution No. 1/2014. (I. 3.) on National Development 2030 - National Development and Territorial Development Concept.

"The Central Danube region includes the area of the Danube Valley and all the municipalities of Mezőföld and Kiskunság landscape areas. The priority area is the common cross-section of three Hungarian regions and counties: Bács-Kiskun, Fejér and Tolna counties.

The combined territories, which have been considered as an inner periphery in the previous decades have an interest in strenghtening common values and in cooperation."
The planned development activities require regional approach, continuous development cooperation and effective organizational coordination from central and local, as well as regional, county municipal and governmental actors. In order to carry out development activities, it is essential to establish wider regional cooperation, to strengthen the existing network of contacts and to operate the professional regional development organization. The extremely diverse nature of development activities is linked to domestic and EU development opportunities as well.

7020 Dunaföldvár, Kossuth Lajos u. 2.
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