Detailed description
International meetings

Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning - BIOWIND Programme

In the spring of 2022, the Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company (CDDA Nonprofit Ltd.) submitted a proposal in partnership with 10 other international organisations, abbreviated as BIOWIND, which was approved in the framework of the Interreg Europe Programme, and as a result, the project implementation period started on 1 March 2023.

In accordance with the legal requirements, the CDDA Nonprofit Ltd. has recently prepared the Situation Analysis, the Development Concept (2021-2035) and the Strategic and Operational Programme (2021-2027) for the development of the Priority Area. The International Strategy, which was prepared as a supplement to the development documents, aims at the Agency becoming one of the most successful applicants in the Central Danube Region by the end of the European Union budget period 2021-2027.

BIOWIND will enable partners to address two major, intertwined inhibitors for the proliferation of wind energy: a) the opposition of local communities, and b) convoluted permitting procedures, both fuelled by concerns over biodiversity and impact on social cohesion. Sets forward an integrated wind planning approach addressing all dimensions of the “Climate-Biodiversity-Public opinion” nexus, to enhance social acceptance and secure sustainable wind energy expansion. BIOWIND will work for the convergence of wind energy and biodiversity policies, put in place dialogue mechanisms with the civil society, introduce social financial participation & benefit sharing schemes, and improve collaboration with the wind sector at local level.

Considering the fact that the geographical conditions of Hungary are less favourable for the development of wind energy utilisation (due to Hungary's basin-like geographical location there is no constant wind direction, duration and strength), and the fact that the possibilities of wind farms are highly influenced by the local topography, in addition to the wind conditions, and also by the strict nature conservation restrictions, the project will be implemented by CDDA Nonprofit Ltd. will share international best practice and experience within the Priority Area, as undertaken in the project, and will also undertake awareness-raising activities for the general public and experts.

Project title: Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning

Acronym: BIOWIND

Duration: 01 March 2023 -  01 June 2027

EU contribution: 1,57 M EUR

Project partners: Region of Western Greece (LP), Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia, Zemgale Planning Region, Northern and Western Regional Assembly, University of Patras, Province of Flemish Brabant, CDDA Nonprofit Ltd., Marshal Office of Świętokrzyskie Region, Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia - General Directorate of the Natural Environment, Asturias Energy Foundation, The Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Research and Development Methodologies (PROMEA).


Project consortium:

  • Lead Partner: South-Muntenia Regional Development Agency (Romania)
  • CDDA - Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
  • SBA - Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia)
  • PI REDEA - Public Institution for the Development of the Međimurje County REDEA (Croatia)
  • RERA - Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia (Czechia)
  • ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)
  • CCIS - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia)
  • RARS - Development Аgency of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • ATS – Advanced Technology Systems (Romania)
  • UM – University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Associated Strategic Partners:

  • Civil Impact Nonprofit (Hungary)
  • The regional association to the national network of Local Action Groups in the South Bohemian Region (Czechia)
  • Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
  • Dambovita Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Romania)
  • Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Hungary)
  • Kemence Association (Hungary)
  • Social Impact Investors Associations (Hungary)
  • Association of Communes of Romania (Romania)

Biowind Newsletter II. - March 2024

Click on the link to download:     Newsletter_2

Biowind Newsletter I. - February 2024

Click on the link to download:     Newsletter_1

The second stakeholder meeting – 13 February 2024

On 13 February 2024, the second stakeholder meeting of the BIOWIND - "Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning" project took place at the Jankovich Hotel, Rácalmás.

 The participants of the expert workshop were welcomed by Andrea Grónay, Managing Director of KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. Then Inez Fekete, International and Priority Project Manager of KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. presented the BIOWIND project and the results achieved so far, including the experiences gained at the interregional workshop in Ireland.

Afterwards, Dr. habil. Béla Munkácsy, Associate Professor at the Department of Environment and Landscape Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, gave an overview of the current situation of wind energy in Hungary and the sustainable use of renewable energy sources. Finally, he presented the RENewLand project.

At the end of the meeting, a round table discussion was held with the participants of the meeting, where they reviewed

🔹 the current state of play (in view of the changes) of the rules on the development of renewable energy and wind energy,

🔹 the situation of wind turbines currently in operation in Hungary,

🔹 views on the domestic use of renewable energies, energy storage options,

🔹 the current situation of energy communities, with particular reference to the Central Danube Region, and

🔹 the potential for the combined use of solar and wind energy.

Interregional workshop – 21 September 2023

In the framework of the BIOWIND project, project partners participated in a 2-day interregional workshop in Sligo this week, organised by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly. The aim of the meeting was to enable BIOWIND partners and stakeholders to understand the crucial role of public participation in energy transformation, share best practices and explore how community participation measures can be integrated into private projects.

The theme of the workshop was based on a background study that included guiding principles on how to promote community participation, such as community involvement in the different phases of a wind energy project (planning, permitting, environmental monitoring).

The interregional workshop was attended by Inez Fekete, International and Top-Priority Project Manager, representing KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd.

The first stakeholder meeting – 29 Aug 2023

Today the first meeting of the stakeholder group of the project "Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning" (BIOWIND) took place in the Budapest office of the Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

The workshop was opened by Andrea Grónay, Managing Director of KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd.

A presentation by Inez Fekete, International and Flagship Project Manager of KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. ensured that the key stakeholders were able to gain knowledge about the BIOWIND project, its objectives and planned (future) activities.

The exchange of knowledge, experience and expectations shared during the workshop, which was moderated by Inez Fekete, contributed greatly to the implementation of the project and, through this, to the development of the Central Danube Region.

In order to achieve the project objectives, KDMFÜ Nonprofit Ltd. will organise regular meetings with stakeholders (once every six months) to involve key stakeholders in the regional exchange of experiences and learning process.


Contact Person

Fekete Inez, International and Top-priority Project Manager

7020 Dunaföldvár, Kossuth Lajos u. 2.
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